Check Me Out
How do we reduce STI rates by re-engaging young people on sexual health?
Recognising that knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and safe sex among secondary school-aged children was very low and decreasing, and testing rates was lower than the national average, Public Health at North and North East Lincolnshire Councils asked Eski to consult with young people and professionals to find a way of turning this around.
Consulting with a diverse range of young people helped us identify “universal” and specific challenges. The client defined clear goals around increasing STI screening in 15–24-year-olds, increasing knowledge of HIV, HIV screening and uptake of PrEP in high-risk groups as well as reducing under 18 conception rates, abortion and repeat abortion rates in under 25’s.
Having identified that misinformation and lack of awareness were common challenges, we recommended a campaign and central website containing co-produced content and everything a young person in Northern Lincolnshire might need to know about sexual health be created to complement educational and outreach work delivered by practitioners.

The unique hard-drawn design has resonated with the target audience so that it provides reassurance and creates an appetite amongst users who want to learn more. This is supported by content aimed at overcoming barriers (access to services and some behaviours) and a social norming approach to talking about sexual health, protection, and regular testing where appropriate.
Following a launch of the resource, Eski were appointed to maintain momentum for the new initiative through social media content promotion and targeted digital marketing. The resource continues to be developed to ensure an inclusive and comprehensive approach to sexual health and relationships for our target audience at the highest standards.
“Check Me Out” was designed and written in collaboration with health professionals and young people to ensure that the structure, tone, messages and calls to action were spot on.