Not In Our Community
How do we help children and young people protect each other from grooming and child exploitation?
In mid-2014 the news filled with terrible revelations that “child grooming gangs” were abusing the nation’s children on a shocking scale. Two idealists, the High Sherriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire, and the Chief Executive of NHS Hull CCG called upon Eski to work directly with young people, including survivors of sexual exploitation, to co-produce a prevention and early intervention initiative directly to though at risk of the awful crime.
What began as a 5-month project has grown to become an internationally recognised campaign that has grown over the past ten years and became the “gold standard” for education and behaviour change amongst a range of community safety issues.
Based on insights in victim experiences, how young people learn, interact with social media, and understanding how young people can be empowered to protect each other (and therefore have the knowledge to protect themselves) young people steered us for the creation of a brand “Not In Our Community” where young people and trusted adults take a stand against groomers and perpetrators of all kinds.

With the support of local charities, the police, community safety teams, young volunteers, and brave survivors Not In Our Community combined live events, innovative social media campaigns, and filmmaking based on intelligence and real-life experiences from people who want to share their painful stories in the hopes that it can help someone else.
The initiative expanded to cover the growing problem of child criminal exploitation including County Lines. Eski co-produced films young people and professionals, including “Alfie’s Story” and “Ryan’s Story”, which have been nationally leading resources.
In 2024, Eski was commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, to broaden the educational resources and interventions to help keep children and young people safe from hate, violence and weapons, anti-social behaviour, digital risks, violence against women and girls, substance misuse, and unsafe relationships.
Winner of the “Best Public Sector Campaign” and “Grand Prix” at the Drum International Content Awards, and “Best Use of Social Media” at the Association of Healthcare Communications and Marketing National Awards.