South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Shows Up

How we make create a social movement that makes cancer everyone’s business?

Recognising that the area has one of the highest rates of cancer in England, with the lowest proportion of people diagnosed at an early stage, South Yorkshire ICS and South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance approached Eski to try a different approach.

Working closely with the cancer strategy group and communications team we have aligned campaign and strategy to help more people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw understand why the area faces health inequalities and to take some confident steps in our own lives, communities, workplaces – and together – start to turn the tide on cancer outcomes.

Backed by Oliver Coppard, Mayor of South Yorkshire the initiative is about showing up for each other and showing up as organisations and individuals to tackle cancer together in new and innovative ways.

One in two people will be affected by cancer in their lifetime and better treatments mean that people are living with cancer for longer. One of the strategy’s ambitions therefore is that cancer is recognised and supported as a long-term condition.

Closing the gap

Additionally, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Shows Up strives to increase participation in cancer preventative measures to above the national rates, close the gap on cancer incidence rates between the most and least deprived areas for the three common cancers, three in four cancers will be diagnosed at an early stage, and reduce the rate in the number of people dying from cancer.

As well as consulting with stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities from which a communications strategy has been developed, Eski has created a brand and series of activity to challenge things and cultivate a cross-sector social movement on cancer.

This is supported by assets and activities including a dedicated website, social media management, filmmaking, digital awareness campaign, and co-produced resources for employers and young people.

Impact and outcomes

We are 6-months into the introduction of a 5-year strategy and therefore outcomes on reducing inequalities, improving and saving and lives is still being measured.

Advancements and outputs to date include:

  • Creating a collaborative culture so that stakeholders are aligned to the strategy and its bold ambitions.
  • Creating working groups across the area for dedicated initiatives for employers and young people.
  • Creation of a launch film embodying the social movement supported by a series of case study films that showcase the proactive work already being delivered across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.