A space 2 reflect on working with Space2BHeard.

We have just had the privilege to work with the wonderful organisation Space2BHeard ‘S2BH’, launching their new brand and looking after their social media pages. S2BH are an organisation that aim to provide easier access to a wide range of free and affordable therapies in an enabling, supporting and encouraging environment.

With any client that we work with we all strengthen our skillset throughout the project, particularly when it comes to social media which changes as frequently as our British weather.

So, here are a few things we learned along the way working with the gorgeous S2BH.

Make sure you have daily content that is visual.

In the case of this project, we only had 3 weeks to create a presence online and encourage people to attend the launch. We tackled this by creating a brand image that fitted with original artwork the client had provided us with. This was not only used for the usual header/boarders but within all our posts, to maintain a strong visual and keep in the mind of potential clients. The content posted was a mixture of services provided and testimonials designed as a graphic, with a friendly spin of course. 😊

Push out as many organic posts as you can before boosting posts.

We had a mixture of organic visual content that we posted once or twice a day for three weeks. As we were building a page from scratch, we had introductory, filler posts before boosting any content, as the chances are people will have visited S2BH page to see what they were about if the promoted post appeared on their feed. Once we had content on the page, we began promoting posts as it is a great way to spread brand awareness and also a way of gaining engagement and page likes quickly.

In order for any of our promotions or boosts to be effective, it was crucial to understand who we wanted to target. When creating a boost, Facebook gives you the chance to create your own audience to target through selecting certain demographics, geographic, and interests. As S2BH has a wide audience and we had limited advertising spend we choose to boost certain things broadly and be more specific with others to try and target everyone we could that fit the S2BH demographic.

Tips for a successful boost:
From the S2BH boosted posts we noticed a few pointers that help make this successful.

Make sure your target audience is carefully selected so your ads reach the correct people. Facebook will let you know if the audience you have selected is too specific and therefore will encourage you to expand it in order for the boost to perform as best as it can.- Let your ad run for more than three days – ads that run for longer than that amount of time tend to perform better.- Make sure your post does not break Facebook advertising guidelines. Facebook will let you know if there is a chance your ad may not run for certain reasons due to its content – this is so you can make any changes needed in order for it to run successfully. – Specifically, boost content that you think will engage users and draw them to your page.

S2BH were really happy with how we launched their brand onto social media, we had a decent amount of page likes and great engagement rates on posts. We were ecstatic to hear that they had a wonderful turn out at their launch, and we hope to work with them in the very near future again. Watch This Space.

You can check out the Space2BHeard website here. https://www.space2bheard.org/

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