The Power of Know

eskimosoup has had the pleasure of supporting a group of girls in North East Lincolnshire to co-create a campaign aimed at helping people to spot the signs of child criminal and sexual exploitation.

The Power of Know, was created using photography and messages produced by young people who wanted to give the campaign a local feel to reinforce the message that child exploitation does happen where they lived and wasn’t just something that affected other people from elsewhere in the country.

Aligned to Not in Our Community, which eskimosoup has driven since 2014, this is the latest co-production project we’ve worked on with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, North East Lincolnshire Council’s GRAFT team (Gaining Respect and Finding Trust) and Young and Safe Street based Team.

This follows on from the interactive videos of Chloe’s story and Ryan’s story, launched to educate young people on the choices they can make to avoid exploitation by criminals.

This new subcampaign encourages people to question situations that they might come across. It will be promoted online and across social media as well as on Stagecoach buses and Transpennine Express trains, with printed materials being displayed in public places in the New Year.  To find out more about the Not in Our Community and The Power of Know, visit

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